President Obama’s Inaugural Address

Posted on January 21, 2009

I know this is a real estate blog, but yesterday’s inauguration will have its effect on all of us in the days and months to come…we must rally behind our new president, and reach across party lines and continue to wish only that goodness and prosperity come to our nation.

The day we have long awaited has now come and gone…Our new president is wished nothing but safety and success from us here at the Team. No matter your political leanings, was it not truly amazing that President Obama was sworn in with his hand upon Lincoln’s bible? ~and, Were you not moved by over 2 million people all saying the Lord’s prayer out loud together?

The president of the National Association of Realtors offered the following statement, as reported on CNN: “Today is truly a historic day for our country. On behalf NAR’s 1.2 million Realtors, we welcome the new president and his administration and pledge to work with them to stabilize the U.S. housing market and set the economy on the road to recovery…NAR looks forward to working with President Obama and his team to quickly move forward with meaningful legislation and policies to help make home ownership part of the American Dream again.”

Now we can go forward with our plans and our business. Ahead, many challenges, but…a positive outlook and true knowing that tomorrow, and all its blessings, IS ultimately up to us. Destiny IS in our hands. Responsibility and accountability…these are words that shape our country.

President Obama’s quote from George Washington proves how timeless the laws of truth are: “Let it be told to the future world, that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive…that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet it.”

How can we not overcome any obstacle? How can we not succeed?

For the inauguration speech in its entirety, please log onto: