You Know It’s February When…

Posted on February 14, 2011

You know it’s February when the locals are wearing leather jackets because it’s only 68 degrees, but the tourists are in shorts, flip-flops & halter tops and applying sun screen…You know it’s February when it takes 15 minutes to drive the 5 blocks from my office to four-corners…You know it’s February when the people you meet at open houses don’t want to give you their real names or where they are actually staying because they’ve already been to 20 other open houses and they don’t want 21 real estate agents calling them for the next 2 weeks of their vacation! …You know it’s February when you are given two choices when trying to make dinner reservations for Saturday night: 5:00 o’clock or 9:45 PM…You know it’s February when the out-of-state plates out number the Florida plates and most of them are making illegal left turns with their right blinker on…You know it’s February when all the really good listings are tenant occupied and you can’t get into show them to your very good, cash buyer who only wants to see those listings…You know it’s February when you have to check your watch to see what date it is, then look on a calendar to see what day of the week it is… If you have any funny “You know it’s February” anecdotes, please feel free to share! Thank you, and make it a GREAT day, The Naples Real Estate Blogger