Naples Real Estate Update

Posted on March 27, 2008

Like any commodity, a home’s value will follow supply and demand trends. Our current MLS inventory in Naples for active residential listings has hovered at 12,000 for several months. Competition is abundant and many buyers are waiting for prices to fall even more. Investors, for the most part, are out of the market, thereby making ours a user-driven market with price being the # 1 consideration when offers are being negotiated. Even if Naples stays on track with approximately the same number of sales this year as 2007, we have a 3 year absorption rate. Last year MLS reported a total of 3,903 closed residential sales, down from 4,516 in 2006. There were a total of 8,859 closings in 2005 following a record of 8,995 in 2004. (I can track this back further if you are interested)… Probably the best barometer for determining what is happening NOW in any real estate market is pending sales (actual written business). Year to date in Naples, per the MLS, we have had 1572 listings pended as compared to 1539 in 2007. Up slightly. Each neighborhood should be focused on individually, as statistics vary in certain price points and communities…even absorption rates can vary widely from neighborhood to neighborhood. Please call or email us today for details on any specific property, we are happy to be of assistance and look forward to earning your business and referrals! 239-370-0574 (direct) or