Yesterday, at our weekly business meeting here at the Coldwell Banker Previews office, Kelly Rebimbas- Senior Loan officer for Sunbelt Lending, spoke about current industry news concerning mortgages. Here are a few topics that I think you will find very interesting: Did you know that mortgage rates have been higher in 35 out of the past 35 years? Fixed rates in March of 1974 were 8.41%. Going up each year
Read MoreDo You YouTube? If you've been living on a secluded island for the past 4 years, click on the link and learn all about! In an effort to optimize our web presence, Harris Peppe Wells has been placing all of our listings on Youtube! Who doesn't "youtube" these days? Just click on the link and check it out! Thank you, and I hope to see you soon in paradise!
Read MoreI heard on the radio one day last week that Florida's Senator Bill Nelson's office had received emails and phone calls encouraging him to vote against the Stimulus Bill at a 7 to 1 ratio...other reports said the American public was against this bill at a ratio of 9 to 1. With that being said, it is about to become law, if as planned, President Obama signs it on Monday
Read MoreThe Naples Daily News continues to do a disservice to the real estate community by reporting news that can only be interpreted by professionals as false and misleading, yet many of the consumers who read the paper are running scared...The paper quoted a Moody's economic report, but failed to take into consideration that by categorizing the entire "Naples-Marco" area as one market, they completely miss the mark. Real Estate is
Read MoreWell, I've been back at the office now for two full days and I must say, being away certainly helped my attitude. A couple of months away gives one a new perspective. Our colleagues were glad to see us...seems the office is lacking a little enthusiasm and they think I'm just the shot in the arm it needs. Gee, it's nice to be missed. I remember when I first got
Read MoreAn article in the National Association of Realtors News & Events today announced that Florida public schools ranked 14th nationally with an overall grade of C+ on a report card issued by Education Weekly magazine. Much of the credit for Florida's finish, which was up from 31st last year, goes to high marks for its teaching profession and system of standards, assessment and accountability. The "B" that Florida received for
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